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Urea Cycle Disorder

Urea Cycle Disorder, also known as UCDs, includes a liver enzyme deficiency. These disorders can be found at many different ages; from new born babies to elderly people. This disease leads to increased levels of ammonia in the blood. It involves many inborn errors in your metabolism. This may cause a brain malfunction or a brain damage. This disease is inherited so other members of the family may be affected.

Symptoms start in the first 24 hours after a child’s birth. Signs of this disease are decreased memory, vomiting, slurred speech, and some unconsciousness. Adults can receive these disorders also. It is also due to less severe enzyme deficiencies. The symptoms they receive are much like a stroke. These adults are in risk of permit brain damage, going into a coma, or even dying.

85% of men and women carry this disease and don’t show it. Urea cycle disorders are a group of inherited conditions of amino acid metabolism, each caused by a specific deficiency of one of the normally expressed enzymes of the urea cycle.

The diagnosis is that they have UCDs. There are many different types of it. The prognosis is poor and people are close to their death bed every day. If they eat poorly it is likely that there will be consequence for it. People with this disorder can have a long lifespan if they stay in good shape.


There is no cure for this disease. People can diet but that is the only way they can live. That is why we need your help. Now we are trying to get people to donate money for the millions of men and women, children and adults, young and old who suffer from this disease. If we had money then we could hire scientist to help find a cure for this deathly disorder.


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