Mrs. Grana's Bio 4

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Kate Albrecht-Bio 4

Wolf's Disease/Lupus

What is Wolf's disease?
     Wolf's disease(also known as Lupus) is an autoimmune disease.  When you have this disease your body no longer recoginizes the difference between its antibodies and foreign antigens, therefore it builds up auto-antibodies to fight your antibodies. 
What are effects of Lupus?
     One common problem is inflamation.  There can be swelling, redness, soreness, or loss of function of an organ, internal or external.  You may be at greater risk of getting heart disease if you have lupus.  Living with lupus can be harder as a child because it is usually more serious and rare of cases.  Being diagnosed as an adult is sometimes easier because the symptoms aren't as serious.
What causes Lupus?
     Why lupus is caused has not been determined.  However, it has to do with genetics and the enviroment.  Infections, antibiotics, ultraviolet light, extreme stress, certain drugs, and hormones may set off the disease.  It has not been proven true, but is has been found that a gene on the first chromosome in some families carries the diseas.  Genes on the sixth chromosome have also been thought to trigger the disease.  Lupus may also be caused if you have been on one kind of medication for a long time.
How Can My Doctor Tell if I Have Lupus?
     There are no lab tests that can be done to diagnose lupus yet.  Your doctor will carefully look at your medical records.  It can be hard to diagnose lupus because it imitates so many other diseases.
How Can Lupus Be Treated?
     Exercising helps to prevent fatiguing.  Immunizations can be taken to prevent some infections.  Counseling is also recommended for learning how to deal with lupus.  Anti-inflammatrories are usually presribed.  Lupus can be monitored by your regular doctor if the case is mild, but if it is a more serious case a specialist may be needed.  A rheumatologist is the doctor you will need to consult.
Life Expectancy
     The life expectancey of a person with lupus depends on the situation.  Lupus is in most cases not fatal.  The more serious the case the shorter the life expectancy.
     The goal is to raise as much money as possible.  You can donate to the Lupus Foundation of America (LFA).  Your donation will go towards finding a cure and preventing lupus.  You can make a honory donation in honor of someone or just donate.  You can donate to a lupus foundation near you.  Another thing you can also do is have a montly amount withdrawn from your account.


Lupus Foundation of America

The Disease That Cries Wolf

This is a picture of a baby with lupus.

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