What is hemophilia??
Hemophilia doesn't let blood clot properly, so a lot more bleeding occurs. It is a genetic
disorder and it occurs mostly in boys, but only one in 8000 have it. This can effect any race or nationality. When most people
get a cut, the platelets in their blood go to the bleeding and plug it up-the first step in clotting. When the platelets plug
up the hole, they attract more sticky platelets and activate proteins called clotting factors. These mix with the platelets
and form fibers that make the clot stronger and stop the bleeding. Our bodies should have 12 clotting factors, and lacking
a clotting factor is what causes hemophilia. There are 2 kinds of hemophilia:Hemophilia A and Hemophilia B. Hemophilia
can be mild, moderate, or severe, based in the amount of clotting factor. People with mild will only bleed a lot once in a
while, but people who have severe are put at risk for having bleeding problems much more often. Most people notice that they
have hemophilia when they are babies or young kids. Sometimes the case is so mild that people don't even notice that they
have it until a minor surgery-where a blood test is done prior to the surgery.
How does a person get Hemophilia?
It is an X-linked gene disorder, so its passed from mother to son on the X chromosome.
If she carries the gene for hemophilia one one of her X chromosomes, then each of her sons wil have a 50% chance of having
hemophilia. Girls rarely get hemophilia, but they can be carriers of the disorder. For a girl to get it, she would have to
receive the disease on the chromosome she receives from her father, who would have hemophilia, as well as from the x chromosome
of her mother, who would be a carrier.
What are the symptoms?
-bruises that are unusual in location or number
-nosebleeds that won't stop
-excessive bleeding from biting a lip or having a tooth pulled
-painful or swollen joints
-blood in urine
What can be done?
This disease cannot be cured(except by a liver transplant), but it can be managed. Internal
bleeding can be serious and treatment is necessary. Patients with a serious case can get shots to inject the factor that they
are missing-this is called clotting factor replacement therapy. it is injected into the vein and can be given anywhere. When
a person with the disorder has internal bleeding, they will need to replace the missing cloting factor right away to make
the bleeding stop. Failure to do so can damage the joints. Gene therapy can be used for hemophilia-which can be used to provide
the body with the genetic information it doesn't have.
Living with Hemophilia
Exercise is important for those with this,
because it strengthens the muscles, which decreases bleeding.It is important to maintain a healthy weight, because it can
add extra pounds that strain the body. Taking asprin, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium can cause blood to not clot-so they shouldn't
take that. The life expectancy of someone with hemophilia depends on the treatment they've been given. But, with proper treatment,
the life expectancy of someone is 10 years less than a normal male.
Foundation Info
Our goal this year is to raise 1.5 milion
dollars. So please help those less fortunate than us by donating. The money will go to helping the poor with hemophilia get
the proper treatment.